Food and its textures. Light unveils all sort of structures worth capturing. As a food photographer I’m expected to recognise an eye candy food. I have to look at food in rather different way but the ordinary. Sometimes blinded by the light, other times by constant observation, I have created this journal to train the eye. To evoke emotion or sense of hunger. To enhance creativity to create better work.

The ability to observe detail, angle, incoming light with the capability of turning visions into reality. It’s always a work in progress.

Our house renovation is still so overwhelming, but every corner in the house is rather thought through. The structures of our home our garden and the food we feast on. That’s exactly it. One recipe that tells a very structured story in time. It usually takes a few months for me to collect all the photographs and I take my time with it. Creative rest is also as important as our creative actions.

So take your time my friend and enjoy.

This recipe was flavoured with a Ceylon cinnamon by RAVANEŌ – Ingredients for everyday food rituals.



  • 600 ml whole milk
  • 1/2 vanilla pod
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 piece of lemon peel
  • 1 piece of orange peel
  • 15 g corn starch
  • 5 yolks
  • 100 g granulated sugar


Mix the starch with a little milk and let it soak for a while. Cook the remaining milk with cinnamon, vanilla, lemon and orange peel in a pot over a medium heat. Whisk the egg yolks with the sugar into a light foam. Add starch and a tablespoon of warm milk to the yolks to adjust its temperature. When the milk reaches the boiling point, strain it and lower the heat. Then pour the yolk mixture into the milk while stirring and cook the cream until it thickens. Divide the thick cream into 4 ramekins, cover the surface with food foil and let it cool. Best overnight but at least 5 hours. Before serving, sprinkle each with sugar and burn it with a flaming gun.



  • 600 ml plnotučného mlieka
  • 1/2 vanilky
  • 1 drievko škorice
  • 1 kúsok citrónovej kôry
  • 1 kúsok pomarančovej kôry
  • 15 g kukuričného škrobu
  • 5 žĺtkov
  • 100 g kryštálového cukru


Škrob vymiešame s trochou mlieka a necháme chvíľu nasiaknúť. V hrnci zatiaľ uvaríme zvyšné mlieko so škoricou, vanilkou, citrónovou a pomarančovou kôrou. V miske vyšľaháme žĺtky s cukrom do svetlej peny. K žĺtkam pridáme škrob a lyžicu teplého mlieka, aby sme upravili jej teplotu. Keď sa mlieko dostane do bodu varu, precedíme ho a znížime oheň na minimum. Žĺtkovú zmes následne prilejeme za stáleho miešania do mlieka a krém varíme, až kým nezhustne. Hustý krém rozdelíme do 4 pohárov alebo ramekinov, povrch zakryjeme potravinovou fóliou a necháme zachladiť. Najlepšie cez noc a minimálne 5 hodín. Pred podávaním každý posypeme  cukrom a opálime ho pomocou flambovacej pištole.